Monday, June 11, 2012

Calorie Counting + Insanity

Today is a new day - at least that's what I keep telling myself.  I decided to start counting calories again.  I'm normally not a breakfast eater, but I forced myself to eat cereal this morning. I keep reading that it's supposed to jump-start my metabolism.  Plus, I figure that I'm going to need all of the protein that I can get since I'm starting Insanity today. I did the Fit Test a few days ago and that alone seemed to whip me.

To be honest, I feel like crap - both in mind and in body.  That "jump-start" that breakfast gave my metabolism made me nauseous, yet ravenously hungry. Seeing as I failed to prepare snacks, I started rooting around the office.  I found a cereal bar to tide me over until lunch. Great - an extra 120 calories, mostly from sugar. Come to think of it, I should have just eaten the egg that I packed with my salad.  I'm just not in a clear state of mind.  I feel kind of depressed.  I'm not feeling sorry for myself, I'm just in a funk - a pissy, cranky funk. I'm sure that I'll be fine once Monday passes. I'm pretty sure that's 90% percent of my problem. ;)  Time to work on my attitude.

Until next time...

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