Saturday, March 27, 2010

Keep on trucking!

Okay, so I said that I would post some pictures. I'm a little self-concious about this because I'm picturing everyone who is reading this journal running for the hills after seeing them. I know that won't be the case, because I'm surrounded my supportive people. Maybe I'm the only one who will run for the hills. Oh well, at least I'll work up a sweat!

Without further ado:

Pictures of yours truly on the fat side:

 Where I was:

Where I am now:

At least I'm not back to square one! Look, I still have cheekbones!

Sunday 3/21 weigh in: 192.5
Friday 3/26 weigh in: 188.5 (-4 lbs)

Benchmark Goal: 180 by may 16th
Temporary Focus Goal: Alt b/w cardio, Toning arms, toning legs
This Week's Goal: DRINK MORE WATER

Last week's workouts:

  • Biggest loser 30 day jump start
  • Biggest Loser last chance workout
This week's workouts: TBA
Okay, well, that's about it for now. I'm a little on the sleepy side, so I can't end this plog in my usual clever, witty style. Good night, all!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Heeere we go!

First of all, I'm starting to this blog as a commitment to myself. I don't know if anyone will ever read it or even be interested in it if they do. I'm just going to type as if I have an audience of exactly 1 million adoring fans. And critics. Everyone is a critic. I'm looking at you, my pseudo-audience.

Anyway, my goal is to post to this blog at least once per week. I will include pictures of all my glorious weightloss and fitnesses! I'm asking you to bear with me at first, as the first couple of servings may be a bit lumpy!

Don't get me wrong, I don't see anything wrong with (these lovely lady) lumps or anyone else's lumps for that matter. If one is happy with what one's rockin', go on wit yo bad self. I'm just trying to get back in the habit of eating healthy and living an active lifestyle. I lost 40 (count that, FORTY) pounds between the Summers of 2007 and 2008. I've managed to keep it off until about the Fall of 2009. I've become a lot more sedentary and I really haven't been paying too much attention to what is and how much is going into my mouth. I'm a snacker and I love things like cookies and bagels and pastries and... and...doughnuts. I work in an office setting so you can imagine how once I let my guard down, my willpower took a nosedive.

I'm going to be honest here for all the world to see. I'm 5' 7" tall and I weighed about 220 lbs at my heaviest. I was a big girl...hell, I still am in the BMI's opinion. When I saw those three numbers drop down to 180, the gratification that I felt was indescribable! I still had a way to go, but I lost the equivalent of a grade school child! Over time, I seemed to forget all the satisfaction and got lazy. I started a new job in the Summer of '08 that entails a 45 minute one-way commute at the very least. It's kind of a high-stress and fast pace place a lot of the time, so I was expending most of my mental energy at work. I made one thousand and one excuses on why I didn't want to work out each particular day the opportunity presented itself until I never wanted to do it anymore.

Imagine my horror, when I hopped on the scale a couple of weeks ago an saw that I gained back SIXTEEN pounds. I was horrified but not surprised...bad habits are so tough to get rid of. It wasn't until Saturday that I received the impetus to get serious again. That's when I decided to do things a little differently. So, here I am, starting a public blog. I'm going to invite anyone and everyone to read if they are interested and hold my ass accountable (literally). I was never one to starve myself, so I won't start that now. I'm going to count my calories, but I won't bore you with those details. Who knows, if I get a following, maybe I'll post some recipes and workouts that I use.

Okay, on with the stats!

Weight I never want to see again: 220 lbs. (Just so it's out there)
Current weight: 192.5 lbs. (I forgot to mention that I lost some weight after my initial 196 lb. weigh-in from being sick.)
Goal weight: 180 lbs. (I want to reach this weight by May 16, 2010)

We'll see how it goes! Wish me luck.