Saturday, March 27, 2010

Keep on trucking!

Okay, so I said that I would post some pictures. I'm a little self-concious about this because I'm picturing everyone who is reading this journal running for the hills after seeing them. I know that won't be the case, because I'm surrounded my supportive people. Maybe I'm the only one who will run for the hills. Oh well, at least I'll work up a sweat!

Without further ado:

Pictures of yours truly on the fat side:

 Where I was:

Where I am now:

At least I'm not back to square one! Look, I still have cheekbones!

Sunday 3/21 weigh in: 192.5
Friday 3/26 weigh in: 188.5 (-4 lbs)

Benchmark Goal: 180 by may 16th
Temporary Focus Goal: Alt b/w cardio, Toning arms, toning legs
This Week's Goal: DRINK MORE WATER

Last week's workouts:

  • Biggest loser 30 day jump start
  • Biggest Loser last chance workout
This week's workouts: TBA
Okay, well, that's about it for now. I'm a little on the sleepy side, so I can't end this plog in my usual clever, witty style. Good night, all!


  1. good job girlie. i think you can reach that goal of yours sooner than you think. 8 lbs in 2 months? i bet if you're serious about your diet you can hit that mark in a month, maybe less if you're working out hard as well. you've inspired me to start taking progress pictures as well. i don't know if i quite have the balls to post them in a blog yet, but you're definitely inspiring me to step my game up a bit. thanks!

  2. Wow! I'm so glad that I can be an inspiration!

    Karla, I HAD to post the sequence of pictures. I am really ashamed at the size that I was and I was so proud of how I looked after all of the hard work. This way, it's in my face and everyone else's. I went running today, even though I didn't want to do anything. I was hurting SO BAD. I did 2 miles in a really pathetic time, but the point is that I did it!

    If I keep this mindset, I will definately acheive my goal...and then some maybe! I just want to keep focused on what I have planned, though. This way, I won't be too disappointed if I happen to plateau.

    You should link me to your blog if you've started one. Thanks for your encouragment, though. It means the world to me. =)

  3. yeah, i might start the pictures this week. i'm about -5 pounds right now (so i wish i would have taken some last week, haha), but i know from previous experience that progress pictures help a lot in the motivation area.
    good job on the miles! time doesn't matter, effort does. time will come with effort. i volunteered at the mardi gras marathon expo and i saw the best shirt ever (it's totally for me) it said 'slow is the new fast' so fitting. i mean, my comfortable pace now is about a 13 min/mile. i do a little better on races, but not by a lot yet. it takes time to build up that base though. i've only been running since september of last year, but even so i've come a damn long way since then. if you're interested in running on a long term basis, don't sweat the time....just sweat. ;) you're right, the point is that you did it. just think about it, you did a lot more than most people who are unhappy with the way they look and/or feel.
    that's mine. i don't know if i'll use it much yet or not. but again, i'm feeling some inspiration. ;p
