Monday, July 25, 2011


Social Networking sites make it so easy to forget to blog. I make announcements about my progress without posting here. Perhaps I should just save the micro posts, put them all together to make a coherent, full blog post and just link everyone to it.

Anyway, the past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind for me: My boss was out on vacation and I was preparing for more family to visit. Speaking of said family, this weekend, I threw careful eating and exercise to the wind and I STILL lost weight. I'm now down to 169.5 lbs. That makes 50.5 lbs. of weight loss since I started my journey 4 years ago. 

I'm a little overwhelmed and I still can't believe it. I mean, I only have 2.5 lbs. to go until I reach my mini goal! I said that I would reward myself with some new ink once I got there, but I think that I'm going to wait until I reach my full goal. 

I know in my last post, I stated that I didn't want to lose weight due to wardrobe issues, but it gets me so excited when I see the return on my work...especially when I can still stuff my face from time to time! I said that I wanted to get below 170 by August 4th in my last post and I'm there on July 25th. It's a great feeling. 

Last weigh-in: 173 lbs
Current weight: 169.5 lbsRecent activity: Still hiking (and loving it!), gym (mostly strength training)
Short Term Goals: More toning, more weights. Possibly get down to 160-165 by the end of August? 

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