Monday, July 4, 2011

Down 5 more lbs!

June was a pretty lax month for me. I celebrated my birthday and my mom and sister flew in from New Orleans to visit me. Admittedly, I gorged myself on the fine wine and cuisine that the Finger Lakes area offers, but with no regret. It was my birthday and I'd be damned if I wasn't going to enjoy it. All that being said, I still lost 5 lbs since I last posted. I'm quite pleased with myself the rate of my weight loss. Not too fast, but not too slow.

Hell, after years of being in a size 14, creeping up to a 16 and 4 subsequent years of being in a 12, I'm really starting to take notice of the continuing changes in my body. I decided to do an experiment. I walked into my local consignment shop and tried on a few size 10 pieces. Granted, all brands of clothing have different measurements and aim for different body shapes, but THEY ALL FIT! I was in such a swoon, that I almost walked right up to the register to buy everything that I tried on. I have to admit, though they all fit, most of the pieces that I tried on were dresses and skirts. The skirts weren't uncomfortably tight, but too tight to be comfortable, if that makes any sense whatsoever. I will label myself as a small size 12, but I see that official 10 quickly approaching. I haven't seen that number or the single digits that I hope will follow since high school.

I know that I can really make it happen if I focus more making calorie counting a religion and hitting the gym 5 times per week instead of 3-4, but all my clothes are falling off of me as is. I'm not really in the financial situation to go out and purchase a whole new wardrobe, so my focus is going to be more geared towards toning and strength building. I'm going to incorporate more protein in my diet to increase muscle building.

I always had and will always have big arms and legs, thanks to my not-so-dainty German heritage. I need to focus more on toning the aforementioned areas, or else I'll look like Chun Li from Street Fighter II.  My waist is shrinking like crazy, but I still have this blasted belly fat. This has been my biggest challenge. I see my abs trying to form, especially when I "suck in".  It's frustrating.

Alright, well, back to life. Today is a holiday and I plan to enjoy every minute of it.

Last weigh-in: 173 lbs
Recent activity: Hiking (3.5 hours yesterday alone!)
Short Term Goals: Toning things up. Remember to drink water! Maybe get below 170 by August 4th?

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