Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I'm so tired of making commitments to myself and never following through. I have a tendency to put these kinds of things off until they become unimportant. I wasn't really angry at myself until I saw my fat pictures again.

I really have to admit that I have more success when I become my own watchdog. I was so embarrassed that I got back up to how much I weighed when I started this blog. I mean, I worked so hard to get to where I was when I dropped my original 40 lbs. I'm proud to say that not only have I reached the same weight when I lost the 40, but I'm now 2 lbs. under that!

I really stepped up my game. I moved to Ithaca last Fall, I joined a gym.  Recently, I not only started counting my calories but I started making them count! I changed up my cardio routine and I saw immediate results. Don't get me wrong, I still have a long way to my goal. With continued discipline, hard work and moderate allowance to "cheat" every now and again, I know that I'll reach it.

Last weigh-in: 178.0
Will work out more goals later!

Keep me motivated!

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