Thursday, May 19, 2011


Unfortunately, allergies have put my gym plans...and all my other plans on hold. I'm about to fall into a Benedryl coma, so this will be a rather quick update.

I've been trying to get into the habit of doing weigh-ins and setting little goals for myself every Sunday to prepare myself for the week. I think that I'm going up that to twice per week...just to make sure that I'm staying on track.

Here are a few things that I had in mind:

1) Stop being lazy with the calorie counting! This WORKS for me, but I hate having to dedicate the time to record everything that passes through my mouth. I can see it happening already. I've started to snack a little more and pretending like it doesn't count toward my daily total. NOT COOL.

2) MORE WATER!!! I don't drink nearly enough. I need to keep it pumping through my system all damn day. It'll keep me full and (duh) hydrated.

3) Fitness Goal: Maybe do a little less cardio and up the weights. I need to do squats and pleiometric exercises. Bathing suit season in upon me and I need to shape up these legs!

4) Weight loss goal: Maybe I'm being a little too ambitious, but I'd like to lose 10 lbs by June 23rd. If not 10, then I would be satisfied with 5.

Alright! I think that'll do it. Sunday's post will be a weigh-in and reaffirmation of goals.

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