Wednesday, November 9, 2011

zoom post

Work picked up and I'm slacking again. Time to get back on track...

I'm posting this as motivation... Left: Summer 2007, Right: Summer 2011


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Zoom post!

I just zipped up and buttoned a pair of size 10 jeans. No sucking in, no struggle, just success. I haven't been able to do that since high school. Hooray for one more accomplishment in my journey!

Hopefully, I'll be down into the single digits soon. =)

Monday, July 25, 2011


Social Networking sites make it so easy to forget to blog. I make announcements about my progress without posting here. Perhaps I should just save the micro posts, put them all together to make a coherent, full blog post and just link everyone to it.

Anyway, the past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind for me: My boss was out on vacation and I was preparing for more family to visit. Speaking of said family, this weekend, I threw careful eating and exercise to the wind and I STILL lost weight. I'm now down to 169.5 lbs. That makes 50.5 lbs. of weight loss since I started my journey 4 years ago. 

I'm a little overwhelmed and I still can't believe it. I mean, I only have 2.5 lbs. to go until I reach my mini goal! I said that I would reward myself with some new ink once I got there, but I think that I'm going to wait until I reach my full goal. 

I know in my last post, I stated that I didn't want to lose weight due to wardrobe issues, but it gets me so excited when I see the return on my work...especially when I can still stuff my face from time to time! I said that I wanted to get below 170 by August 4th in my last post and I'm there on July 25th. It's a great feeling. 

Last weigh-in: 173 lbs
Current weight: 169.5 lbsRecent activity: Still hiking (and loving it!), gym (mostly strength training)
Short Term Goals: More toning, more weights. Possibly get down to 160-165 by the end of August? 

Monday, July 4, 2011

Down 5 more lbs!

June was a pretty lax month for me. I celebrated my birthday and my mom and sister flew in from New Orleans to visit me. Admittedly, I gorged myself on the fine wine and cuisine that the Finger Lakes area offers, but with no regret. It was my birthday and I'd be damned if I wasn't going to enjoy it. All that being said, I still lost 5 lbs since I last posted. I'm quite pleased with myself the rate of my weight loss. Not too fast, but not too slow.

Hell, after years of being in a size 14, creeping up to a 16 and 4 subsequent years of being in a 12, I'm really starting to take notice of the continuing changes in my body. I decided to do an experiment. I walked into my local consignment shop and tried on a few size 10 pieces. Granted, all brands of clothing have different measurements and aim for different body shapes, but THEY ALL FIT! I was in such a swoon, that I almost walked right up to the register to buy everything that I tried on. I have to admit, though they all fit, most of the pieces that I tried on were dresses and skirts. The skirts weren't uncomfortably tight, but too tight to be comfortable, if that makes any sense whatsoever. I will label myself as a small size 12, but I see that official 10 quickly approaching. I haven't seen that number or the single digits that I hope will follow since high school.

I know that I can really make it happen if I focus more making calorie counting a religion and hitting the gym 5 times per week instead of 3-4, but all my clothes are falling off of me as is. I'm not really in the financial situation to go out and purchase a whole new wardrobe, so my focus is going to be more geared towards toning and strength building. I'm going to incorporate more protein in my diet to increase muscle building.

I always had and will always have big arms and legs, thanks to my not-so-dainty German heritage. I need to focus more on toning the aforementioned areas, or else I'll look like Chun Li from Street Fighter II.  My waist is shrinking like crazy, but I still have this blasted belly fat. This has been my biggest challenge. I see my abs trying to form, especially when I "suck in".  It's frustrating.

Alright, well, back to life. Today is a holiday and I plan to enjoy every minute of it.

Last weigh-in: 173 lbs
Recent activity: Hiking (3.5 hours yesterday alone!)
Short Term Goals: Toning things up. Remember to drink water! Maybe get below 170 by August 4th?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Zoom post!

  • Maintaining weight at 178 lbs
  • Drinking lots more water
  • Goals for this week:
    • post more to this damn journal
    • SQUATS! I need to get my 2008 legs back!

P.S. I just washed my bathing suits ... 2 of which are bikinis! squeeee!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Unfortunately, allergies have put my gym plans...and all my other plans on hold. I'm about to fall into a Benedryl coma, so this will be a rather quick update.

I've been trying to get into the habit of doing weigh-ins and setting little goals for myself every Sunday to prepare myself for the week. I think that I'm going up that to twice per week...just to make sure that I'm staying on track.

Here are a few things that I had in mind:

1) Stop being lazy with the calorie counting! This WORKS for me, but I hate having to dedicate the time to record everything that passes through my mouth. I can see it happening already. I've started to snack a little more and pretending like it doesn't count toward my daily total. NOT COOL.

2) MORE WATER!!! I don't drink nearly enough. I need to keep it pumping through my system all damn day. It'll keep me full and (duh) hydrated.

3) Fitness Goal: Maybe do a little less cardio and up the weights. I need to do squats and pleiometric exercises. Bathing suit season in upon me and I need to shape up these legs!

4) Weight loss goal: Maybe I'm being a little too ambitious, but I'd like to lose 10 lbs by June 23rd. If not 10, then I would be satisfied with 5.

Alright! I think that'll do it. Sunday's post will be a weigh-in and reaffirmation of goals.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I'm so tired of making commitments to myself and never following through. I have a tendency to put these kinds of things off until they become unimportant. I wasn't really angry at myself until I saw my fat pictures again.

I really have to admit that I have more success when I become my own watchdog. I was so embarrassed that I got back up to how much I weighed when I started this blog. I mean, I worked so hard to get to where I was when I dropped my original 40 lbs. I'm proud to say that not only have I reached the same weight when I lost the 40, but I'm now 2 lbs. under that!

I really stepped up my game. I moved to Ithaca last Fall, I joined a gym.  Recently, I not only started counting my calories but I started making them count! I changed up my cardio routine and I saw immediate results. Don't get me wrong, I still have a long way to my goal. With continued discipline, hard work and moderate allowance to "cheat" every now and again, I know that I'll reach it.

Last weigh-in: 178.0
Will work out more goals later!

Keep me motivated!